Tuesday, 6 November 2012

First shoes

Because all shoes deserve to be celebrated, but first shoes especially.


PS. Please excuse the state of the rug in the background. They were delivered mid-snacktime. Biscuit ALL over the floor. Oh, and we have gross carpet on the stairs. But that's not my fault.


  1. Lovely! I need to get my little miss some proper first shoes, the poor thing is stomping round in little crawler things at the mo. Bad mummy! x

  2. they are so sweet and red! i love red. they remind me of the shoes from the cover of Tessa Kiros book 'Apples for Jam'. your little one looks very cute opening her surprise. I didn't even notice the rug. Too busy looking at the shoes. xo

  3. Oh, how adorable! I am pretty fond of that sweater too... :)

  4. What cute little shoes! And I didn't notice the rug til you mentioned it! It's funny how we get paranoid about our homes when showing them to other people.

    I have some pretty ugly carpet in my house too, which is also not my fault :)

    Nice to find your blog!
    Rach x

  5. Total cuteness!! They are small and red and perfect. We have so many of those Startrite boxes knocking around the house now, they come in very handy!

  6. Oh my god the cuteness.
    Red shoes are the best.

  7. These look EXACTLY like my first pair of shoes. There's something so precious about first shoes. And these photos are cute.
