Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A sequential date in the life of...

The 12th of December, 2012. 12.12.12. The last sequential date of this century and of our lifetime. A date I chose to document our everyday.
A normal, mid-week, working day.

 09:54 Work

 09:55 Desk

10:52  Me

12:29  Leaving work

 12:47 Sky

 13:04 Heading home from nursery

 13:30 Post-nursery napping

 13:31 Post

 14:45 Quiet time

 15:29 Post-nap snacking

 15:29 Garden

15:58 Reading

 15:58 Cuddles

 16:11 Play

 16:33 Rest

16:34 Play

 17:02 Play

17:42  Dance

18:04  Dinner

 18:32 Dessert

 18:48 Bath

19:11 Bed

19:33 The baby sleeps

20:04 Blog

And no, our day most definitely does not start at 09:54. That was how long it took me to realise what the date was. Oops.


  1. I reckon you did a great job of recording 12 12 12 x

  2. love it. a beautiful record. xo

  3. 19.33 The baby sleeps - love this one x

  4. A lovely record of the day. xx

  5. Ha you realised quicker than me - loved following this on instagram:£

  6. Fantastic post! I love how you captured all the little moments so beautifully. A normal day but one full of life and memories and love. x
