Thursday, 4 October 2012

Art day

Our Sunday was spent at our community Art Day. With exhibitors based within residents houses and in the stunning former church, Left Bank Leeds, we got to see a great selection of work and eat some cracking cake. The little bean was in her crawling/walking element, taking advantage of the Left Bank's HUGE floor space. Obviously, we couldn't leave empty handed and the little bean got to take two new pals home with her, as well as her pretty impressive print from the family lino printing workshop. Good job done, even if I do say so myself.


  1. What a great day out ... love your purchases and the little print is cute .. Bee xx

  2. Photographs are dreamy and whimsical, as always.. and beautiful words, also, that lino print is perfect!

  3. love that little stripy monster - and i'm excited for when mister G is big enough to do printing with.
