Friday, 11 May 2012

Spring on film

There's something about springtime that makes me want to use film. I recently dug out my film camera to play around with on a trip to the farm, finishing off a film I'd started a year ago, pre-little bean. What a difference a year makes. Top two pictures, pre-bean, when afternoon snoozes in the park were an option!


  1. that swing is ALL KINDS of awesome! Where did you fond that treasure?

  2. I love the suprise you get from film. And yes, that swing, it made me gasp! (As did that chip burger - hello! and the gorgeous bean as always) xx

  3. Thanks ladies, it's lovely isn't it? It's actually an old IKEA swing from 10 years ago when my nephew was born, my Mum just dug it out for me, great hand-me-down, hey?
    Hope you've had lovely weekends : )
    Jude xx
