Monday, 2 April 2012

Thirteen weeks in

This week we have:

- loved the beautiful weather
- played in our lovely new garden
- swung in a swing for the first time
- started to settle into the new house
- blown lots of raspberries (It's the funniest thing EVER when you're 6 months old)
- sat up without toppling over

The little bean seems to have grown up so much these last couple of weeks that the list could go on and on. Every day I'm amazed by her character, her ability and her confidence. She is a treasure.

The little bean's first ever swing in our new garden, unpacking russian dolls, chilling in the sunshine, beautiful housewarming roses.


  1. Gorgeous! Happy to hear you're loving your new home. And raspberries are still the funniest thing ever at 2 and 4 yrs old :)

  2. she looks so cute in her frilly hat. little ones never tire of a swing. i like your collection of russian dolls.
