Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A day in the life...

 7:30 The little bean is wide awake and decamped to our bed with Jeffrey badger while we try and catch a few more zzzzz's.
 8:30 This little bean refuses to lie around anymore... arms a'flapping and faces grabbed until we get up.
 9:30 Post-brekkie play time.
 10:30 A rare day off for Daddy, so a lazy morning drinking tea and reading the news is called for.
 11:30 A spot of reading.
 12:30 Lunch for three.
 1:30 Heading out for the afternoon in the car seat.
 2:30 En route to the shops for a spot of charity shop perusing and to grab some groceries.
 3:30 Shopping done and car loaded.
 4:30 Afternoon tea for Ma and Pa. My favourite chocolate and raspberry ripple cupcake and a pot of tea for two.
 5:30 Al fresco dining for the little bean. The sun comes out, so dinner is eaten in the garden.
 6:30 Baby bathtime with lil' ducky then bed.
7:30 No rest for the wicked. Housework and piles of washing to sort.
 8:30 Mummy and Daddy do dinner.
9:30 PJ's on and feet up time.


  1. Now that looks like just about a perfect day- such a lovely wee family and beautiful pics. The food looks very yum! Jx

  2. I love this!

    May I ask what camera you are using- i love your photography!

    xo em

    1. Thanks Em for your lovely comments : )
      I use a Canon 550D with a 50mm 1.8 lens, it's a great little camera.
      Hope you've had a lovely weekend xx
