Monday, 30 April 2012

Seventeen weeks in

This week we have:

- been ladies that lunch
- got our cook on (and made some super tasty, super healthy, baby friendly food. Nom!)
- visited some potential little bean nurseries
- hidden inside from the rain and developed a love for stacking cups

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Let it rain

Our Sunday. A drive out in the pouring rain, cake, charity shop perusing and a pub lunch. Days like these make me love the great British weather.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A day in the life...

 7:30 The little bean is wide awake and decamped to our bed with Jeffrey badger while we try and catch a few more zzzzz's.
 8:30 This little bean refuses to lie around anymore... arms a'flapping and faces grabbed until we get up.
 9:30 Post-brekkie play time.
 10:30 A rare day off for Daddy, so a lazy morning drinking tea and reading the news is called for.
 11:30 A spot of reading.
 12:30 Lunch for three.
 1:30 Heading out for the afternoon in the car seat.
 2:30 En route to the shops for a spot of charity shop perusing and to grab some groceries.
 3:30 Shopping done and car loaded.
 4:30 Afternoon tea for Ma and Pa. My favourite chocolate and raspberry ripple cupcake and a pot of tea for two.
 5:30 Al fresco dining for the little bean. The sun comes out, so dinner is eaten in the garden.
 6:30 Baby bathtime with lil' ducky then bed.
7:30 No rest for the wicked. Housework and piles of washing to sort.
 8:30 Mummy and Daddy do dinner.
9:30 PJ's on and feet up time.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Sixteen weeks in

This week we have:

- said 'hello' to the little bean's second tooth (Sleep....come back!.....PLEASE!!).
- caught up with some lovely friends.
-wished the sunshine would come back! April showers galore.
- had to start thinking about returning to work : (
- become an attacker of toys!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

All the fun of the fair

Today we went to visit the travelling funfair. It was pretty disappointing. Deserted, grotty and overpriced. So we sought solace in the pub beer garden, soaked up some sunshine and admired some impressive skies. Happy Sunday.