Sunday, 31 March 2013


Three pictures. It is the Easter Bank Holiday weekend after all.

The first taste of jelly. At Connie's 2nd birthday party.

The first Easter egg hunt. It was an epic one.

The first drink in a pub. It wouldn't be Easter Sunday without a visit to the pub and you loved it. Beermats, crisps, your own actual glass, fairy lights, your own grown up chair and the attention of all the doting customers. Clearly, we should frequent pubs more. Yay!


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

5 years...

... since we met.
A brief history of us (in photos)...







Happy anniversary my love.
Thank you for everything you have done, and still do for me and our family.
Here's to many more years, and many more self portraits.
Love you forever.


Sunday, 17 March 2013


A little puddle splashing bear.
As the days are getting longer, we're already enjoying the benefits of lighter evenings, taking post-dinner trips to the park when no-one else is around. 


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Eighteen months old

at eighteen months...

You love: Dance class, biscuits, Clown Mouse, your blanky, "Beebies" (watching your favourite TV programmes), reading, magazines, my make-up bag, hats, my sunglasses on car journeys, playing outside in the back yard, chalk, drawing, bubbles, playing with play dough with Granny, making tea, walking ahead or behind everyone else, throwing yourself to the floor, turning round and round, walking backwards.

You dislike: Putting your coat on, leaving nursery, being put in your car seat, being picked up when you want to walk, having your nose wiped / face washed / hair washed, hand dryers in toilets.

Your favourite toys: Your: Clown Mouse, finger puppets, tea set, pots and pans, toy food, balls, soft toys, any little plastic creature, wooden animals, blocks, building bricks, bath toys.

Your favourite words: 1, 2, 3, 4, eyes, nose, baa-baa, babby (baby), tea, Do-raa, doggy, hat, bib, dansin (dancing), drowin (drawing), knee, clap, We are! (as in  'If you're happy and you know it'), star (as in 'Twinkle, twinkle'), ta, pees (please), beebieees (as in CBeebies, naughty Mummy!) and, of course, your very impressive collection of animal noises.

The things I don't want to forget:
*Your golden curls.
*The smiles you give when I walk into your room when you've just woken up (top photo).
*Your favourite place to sit is my knee, sometimes you'll come to me, hug my leg and say knee, and we have to sit down there and then (often on the kitchen floor), with you in my lap for a cuddle.
*How the first noise we hear from you in the morning is the sound of you counting your toes, just like you do with Daddy, quietly in your cot.
*The way you say "Baa baa" when you want to play with your case of finger puppets (featuring Baa baa black sheep...).
*Your little kisses, given with such care and consideration at the most needed moments.
*How totally smitten you are with your Granny, you get so upset when she leaves!
*How you currently run around the house shouting "Do-raa", copying the way your GG's carers speak to her, but at me!

Our little darling, we love you more than the world.

Sunday, 10 March 2013


Little dribbler, gazing out the window at GG's on our Mother's Day visit.
It's been a poorly week for us both, with tummy bugs, viruses and those mean old teeth pestering us again.
All made worthwhile by my Mother's Day wake-up call of a big dribbly kiss and a snuggle.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you, I hope your day was filled with dribbly kisses and snuggles too.


Friday, 8 March 2013


1 A trip to warmer climates with big cousins at Tropical World
2&3 Our favourite, the farm
4&5 Celebrating Granny's (My mums) birthday
6 A mid-tour, stolen Sunday with Daddy, before he flew off for another week of working away
7, 8&9 Back yard fun with chalk and bubbles
10 The first bubble you ever blew! You are the cleverest, my darling


Sunday, 3 March 2013


Discovering chalk and discovering the garden, finally. It may still be grey out, but it feels like spring is just about here, and we're ready to leave our winter hibernation.
